For once (and probably the last time,

) I'm going to agree with mbcrowder. I don't see this as anything but a ball being thrown out of play. Let's not forget that if the defense had done their job, the ball would not be close to going out of play.
I umpired a game on a field that was totally enclosed, with the gates at the teams' dugouts, nearly in line with 1st and 3rd bases. The gate on the 1st base side did not have a working latch. All you had to do was push on it to get it to swing outward. It just so happened that a pop-up to F3 near the fence ended up directly adjacent to the gate. She caught the ball, leaned on the gate, and the gate swung out causing her to enter deadball territory. Weird? Yes. Was this anything but a catch and carry? No. Would the situation have changed if the gate were functional and the opposing team did not latch it correctly? Nope. Similar instance in the OP.