Agree with the others here. It just takes time and lots of practice, and you have to use what works best for you.
I started out with the setter, added the opposite, then one adjacent. Now the setters are automatic - I identify the setter(s) for both teams during warmups, and by comparing that information with the submitted lineups, can make a pretty good guess what type of offense they are running (5-1, 6-2, etc.). In the 1 second scan of the court before beckoning for serve, I mentally confirm all 6 back row players. By half way through the first set, I've usually got the order & current position in the rotation for all six players for both teams mentally fixed.
One thing that really helped me early on is working as many weekend tournaments as I could get assigned to. When you see the same teams over and over again, the pattens become quickly recognizable. Another is on a night you're not working, go watch a match - sit a few rows up behind the table at mid court and track what is going on.
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons - for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
Last edited by TimTaylor; Fri Sep 24, 2010 at 05:43am.