Thread: Scoring Dispute
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Old Wed Sep 22, 2010, 11:51pm
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I worked 2 consecutive 16U games in a Triple Crown Tournament this past Sunday.

Normally in travel ball, we umpires have nothing to do with keeping the score or the innings pitched by the F1's. But in Triple Crown Tournaments in our area, we umpires are given a lineup card and directed to note the score each half inning and announce it (To me, that means verify it with the VT/HT scorekeepers each 1/2 inning). Also, on the card, we must note the number of innings each F1 pitched whenever there is a pitching change; we must also note the beginning time of the game. At the completion of the game, each coach has to sign the card. From there, it's turned in to the TD. Usually, this bookkeeping job is done by the base umpire.

Sometimes, I'm a little lax on the 1/2 inning routine (usually because there's been no runs scored), but if runs cross the plate during a 1/2 inning, I'll make an effort to verify the number with the scorekeepers to see if they jive.

Now, from what I've read here in TussAgee's post, I'll be especially keen on getting the score agreed upon, particularly if the game is close...
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