Jrod...whether right or wrong, I am sure you know that you have committed the most basic foul of all by an official. Know what it is you are calling, especially when it is an abscure rule with a large penalty....that said a couple things to consider. Hurdling is a safety concern. Not for the hurdler but rather for the hurdlee...The knees cause a lot of damage when they crash into a helmet, therefore to try and prevent injury to (usually defenders) hurdling is not allowed. The definitions are there to make sure that the knees are leading as that is what causes the injuries...now don't get tooooo caught up in the actual pose or position of the players. If it looked like it could have caused an injury, you are probably correct in protecting the defender....as to whether or not it was correct only you will know for sure, but I have been officiating for 14 yrs, and have never called it or seen it called, and only heard of it once..