Yes, we would "Have To Be There" to call this one because:
- You didn't tell us if there were any runners on base.
- If there were, you didn't tell us if they were trying to advance.
- If there were, we don't know which base were they advancing to.
- Where was the catcher throwing the ball- to a base to make a play or back to the pitcher?
- We don't know if the throw contacting the batter prevented the defense from making a play.
Besides all that...why are you taking it upon yourself to instruct a player where to move or stand? They have coaches for that stuff! Doing so possibly interjects the umpire into the game in a manner he shouldn't, either giving the offense an advantage by helping the batter move to a position where he wouldn't interfere or giving the defense an advantage by placing the batter in a position where he did interfere when he would not have otherwise. Neither is a good thing! Let the players play the game and make their own decisions on where they need to move.