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Old Fri Sep 10, 2010, 07:12am
asdf asdf is offline
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Originally Posted by jkumpire View Post
First off, no it is not okay, and that is why they have ushers and security people to deal with issues like this. My impression is it is their job to deal with this stuff, not an umpire trying to call a professional game.

Second, I am surprised that Mr. Davidson found the right person to eject, in a park with 10-20k people in it. If he got the right guy, great.

Third, weren't you taught not to get involved with policing the stands or fans unless there is a major problem in them? Normally IMO you should ignore the fans unless there is some very, very good reason to have to deal with them, esp, in an MLB park. In HS sports, you are always told to get a site manager or head coach to deal with the problem. NCAA Baseball is the same way.

Fourth, Mr. Davidson is really going against standard practice, and where do you draw the line? If some fan in the 4th row calls him #$$&##@&%@&**), does this ejection allow him to start throwing out paying customers? It's a slippery slope he is close to getting on, I hope he is careful.

That is all I am saying. And MLB brass have not liked things umpires have done in the past, and have fined umps and even suspended them. I could see Mr. Davidson getting fined for this act, if for no other reason than to make clear this is not an umpire's job, to deal with bad behavior off the field by fans, unless it affects play on the field.

I did not realize that Davidson went into the stands, went "bill of the hat to bill of the hat" with the idiot , took two steps backwards and gave him the "heave ho"..................

If you actually take your blinders off and look at the action, he is imploring the security staff (grandpa) at the dugout to get moving so they could get the game going.

He then had to point out the drunkard to another highly trained "security professional" (grand daughter).

The staff had no clue what was going on. Heck, you can even see the fan in the front row by the dugout point the idiot out to grandpa.

Davidson handled the moron(s) (staff included) as he should have.