Originally Posted by jwwashburn
Ron Artest had a beer thrown at him. There is an enormously high liklihood that guy would have been arrested immediately in that situation. If Miller Park and Major League Baseball say it is someone else's job to police drunkien fans...then it is someone else's job to police drunken fans.
Bob Davidson is not a hero...he is a buffoon. This was all about him performing for the camera.
You are making assumptions I cannot make. I do not know Bob D or know his character. I have never met the man or know what makes him tick. I would never claim why someone is doing something from afar.
Also I have been in much smaller confines as an official and the people that are involved in security do not hear things they are sometimes closer than those on the court or field. And this is not about being drunk, this is about saying something inappropriate that is heard. He had a right to take care of this himself unless you know of some policy by MLB that says he cannot point out such action.