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Old Thu Sep 09, 2010, 12:22pm
Mrumpiresir Mrumpiresir is offline
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
Never mind that he had no authority to do it.

So, what if the security guard refused? The security guard does not work for Bob Davidson. Is he going to eject him, also? If I was the guard, I would have laughed in his face.

So what if the security guard gets over there and the guy denies saying anything? What if the fans around him say they did not hear anything? Just how long away from his actual job should a Major League umpire take?

And we all knew which umpire it was before we saw the video.

I have seen Davidson scream profanities at players and coaches within earshot of the crowd. The levels that some umpires will go to back the actions of another umpire-no matter how absurd-are staggering.
The umpire has total authority to manage the game. If the fan was causing a problem, then the Security folks should have handled it. Since they didn't, Davidson is totally within his right to have that fan removed.

Aren't we all getting a little tired of the jerks that learn the rules from idiots such as Tim McCarver, and think they can call balls and strikes from 200 ft away?

I do find that my tolerance for chirping decreases as the season nears the end and understand why Davidson would have this drunken, loud mouthed jerk ejected so that he could no longer interfere with the game.

Last edited by Mrumpiresir; Thu Sep 09, 2010 at 12:24pm.