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Old Tue Sep 07, 2010, 04:27pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I am fully aware of the first part of your comments. I was not even thinking there was a requirement by the NF and know there is no such requirement in the first place. I am very aware of how member states have their relationship with the NF as our state has gone through a recent transition from one level of membership to another. That was not what I was asking at all. I am surprised that you can work a high school game and the state does not provide the opportunity to have rulebooks and other training material to work high school games or to have a license. Most places if you want to work for the high school association you have to pay dues and they give you books or the opportunity to buy books. This guy claims he has no access (or knowledge) to that and this is why I found that odd. Even if you do not have to belong to an association, you likely have some avenue to purchase these books. The rulebooks and casebook come with our dues and we have to pass a test every year. I am not saying that is not the case in Kansas, but never heard that. And I found it odd that the requirement is if you are working varsity. Then what if they need a fill in and you are available, you cannot work. I am not like others I am not calling this BS just because it is farfetched, just found it odd that is all.
S/he hadn't even written that s/he worked HS games. That was why I answered as per various codes. But this could be youth football, adult, etc.
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