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Old Tue Sep 07, 2010, 03:14pm
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Originally Posted by Welpe View Post
No, it would be previous spot because the face mask is considered to have happened during a loose ball play. Remember on a loose ball play, all action prior to it becoming a loose ball play is considered to be a part of the play. Same thing if you were to have something like defensive holding on a receiver before a forward pass is thrown.
(Quoting you, but talking to the OP) :

Same thing if the A player was to escape the "tackle" and throw a pass. It would be a loose ball play and the basic spot is the previous spot.

The best thing that could happen here for A would be to fumble the ball on this play and therefore the basic spot would be the previous spot. It's why I think the AB1 enforcement on a play like this is misguided. B benefits from illegally tackling A by a helmet opening or facemask.
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