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Old Tue Sep 07, 2010, 02:53pm
BroKen62 BroKen62 is offline
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Originally Posted by Welpe View Post
No, it would be previous spot because the face mask is considered to have happened during a loose ball play. Remember on a loose ball play, all action prior to it becoming a loose ball play is considered to be a part of the play. Same thing if you were to have something like defensive holding on a receiver before a forward pass is thrown.
As you can tell, I'm just a lowly line judge. All I do is report the foul and let the WH figure it out.

Seriously, how can I wrap my mind around this rule? It gives me fits every time I think about it.

Would I be correct in saying that if the foul happened before or during a loose ball, then previous spot, but if the foul happened after the loose ball, then end of run? I'm thoroughly confused.
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