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Old Wed Sep 01, 2010, 08:14am
CLH CLH is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Seniority has very little to do with game assignments. Rankings, based on ratings, dictate game assignments; number, level, and quality. Ratings are based on peer ratings (80%), refresher exam (5%), meeting attendance (5%), and availability (10%).

Peer ratings come from everyone who has seen you officiate. In a typical junior varsity/varsity double header, you usually get three ratings, from your partner, and from the two officials in the game before, or after, yours.
So your peer rating...the opinions of either A: veterans who are worried about you taking their games or B: More "less than 4yrs served rookies like yourself" who don't need another guy moving up to take their games and don't have the knowledge to give a decent fair, unbiased rating towards you.

Availability? What does availability have to do with how well you officiate? So if I work a heavy NCAA, etc schedule I'm not as good as the high school guys who work every night of the week, thus I can't work a Varsity game because my availibility doesn't show me to be a qualified official.

Sorry my friend, but these "ratings" seem a bit flawed.
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