Under NFHS rules, if it is clear that the player lost possession before the defender initiates the contact at the collar, there is no foul for a horsecollar tackle per se under 9-4-3k because the player was not a runner.
The contact can still be deemed to be unnecessary under 9-4-3g. If the foul occurs while the ball is loose, it is penalized from the basic spot (end of run if fumbled beyond NZ, previous spot if fumbled behind NZ). Team A would retain the ball.
If the ball is recovered by B and the foul occurs after this recovery, B would retain possession and be penalized either from the end of the run or spot of the foul under the all-but-one principle.
Also, if the defender initiates the contact while the runner has possession, the runner subsequently fumbles and then the defender completes the horsecollar tackle, this is a horsecollar tackle under 9-4-3k and would be penalized from the basic spot.
I'm not getting older...these high school kids just keep getting younger and younger
Last edited by AUgrad2006; Sun Aug 29, 2010 at 09:55pm.