Originally Posted by BillyMac
Promotion to "Full" varsity, that is, 100% varsity assignments, if you were rated, and ranked, high enough, would occur in the eighth year. Also, based on ratings, and rankings, you could see some varsity assignments as a "Split" official, in the fourth year.
On the other hand, if you're ratings, and ranking, were low enough, you could be a lifelong subvarsity official.
A demanding system (in terms of years to full V) for a new official to go through, but I think a good system. I like the fact that there is an "up and down" component based on ratings and the other criteria. Reading your reply to Rut, I see that your board places a high premium on education which is great.
With the commitment a new official has to make in terms of years, plus the on going educational aspect, and a rating system that is structured to move guys either up or down, I would imagine you end up with some pretty good first year full varsity officials.
I'd take a system like that anytime over the one I'm stuck in. 2 year "probation" period, but unless you score a minimum of 86 on the written and 90 on the floor exam, you stay at the 2nd year probation level until you do.
Get 86 or better on the exam, but the evaluators mark you lower than a 90 on the floor...you're going back to Q school to steal a pro golf reference. Below 86 on the written? You don't qualify for a floor exam. As such, while we know just how much we missed by on the written, and exactly which questions (allowing us to work on our weaker rules areas for the next year) we have no idea as to where we are with our floor work.
Once you get past all this that and become a V official, you're there for life. Just pay the dues every year. No rating system, so new V guys are solely at the mercy of the assignor as far as moving up.