Originally Posted by jicecone
If a coach wants to do something that is not in compliance with the rules, he will find a way.
So it's okay for him to do through the lineup, instead of some other way?
If you keep your lineup correctly, he won't find a way to cheat -- at least by using the lineup. In fact, using your method will make it EASIER for him to cheat.
Originally Posted by jicecone
As BU, the first time I see a new CR, I will question it but, maybe your BU's can't handle that chore, so I understand.
Question it to whom? The PU? Wouldn't it then just be easier for him to keep up with it? Your way would delay the game in a way that it shouldn't be delayed.
Originally Posted by jicecone
It's not my opinion that this works, its a fact.
Everything works until it doesn't.
You'll find that your way of doing this is so far in the minority, that I don't think even JRut will agree with you.