Originally Posted by Rich Ives
Show me where I said there was proof.
Dr Andrews is LL's primary consultant. He's doing their pitch-count promo during the LLWS. Strange he hasn't asked them to ban curveballs.
Watch these:
The Experts Speak
You'll hear them refer to Dr Hale. Read this:
The modern plastic double earflap batting helmet was invented by Creighton Hale of LL. PROFILE: Creighton J. Hale
I think Andrews kind of speaks out of both sides of his mouth in that video, and in doing so, makes a case for both your and adf's position on the subject.
1) At one point he says "we have nothing against the curveball."
2) Further into the presentation, there's a chart that indicates a pitcher should not throw a curve until age 14.
3) Throughout the presentation he does emphatically shout out the dangers of overuse being a a major culprit in the cause of UCL injuries.