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Old Thu Aug 26, 2010, 07:58pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
I can't speak for, or against, non-IAABO organizations, but I do know that the main emphasis of IAABO is to educate officials. We take that very seriously, on the local level, the state level, and the national, and the international, level. I believe that we are very good at in our goal of educating, and improving, officials. That alone, may be a good reason to join an IAABO board. Assigning games takes a back seat to improving officials in IAABO.
Not to knock IAABO but I think my state has some of the best training in the country when you consider the openness to camps and video training. Not to say that IAABO does not do a good job. I have seen their literature and it is good. But I think the grass roots stuff we do is also very good. And for someone like me to join would mean I would have to spend money to join something I already get here or to something that is not going to benefit me any more than what we do. Also our mechanics are a little different and we do not subscribe to many things IAABO does mechanically. Assigning at this point would be the only real benefit at this moment. I could not use any of your interpreters or materials here because of those differences.

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