Originally Posted by KJUmp
In a regional game, I don't remember the teams, with a runner on first, a groound ball was hit to the infield. The runner was forced at second and the throw to first went out of play. They awarded the batter - runner third base. WHY?? One of the other five umps should have corrected this. On another play, did you see the first base ump emphatically call the runner out as the ball sailed past the fielder? Extremely bad timing. A batter was walked on ball three. Routine calls badly missed. The list goes on. Have you not been watching? We have to live this down because we are all "Brothers in Blue" and what they do reflects on all of us. These are not just opinion.
I especially enjoy
"foul ball" being bellowed out by the plate umpire as the ball is rolling back down the screen behind the plate.