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Old Tue Aug 24, 2010, 02:07pm
johnnyg08 johnnyg08 is offline
Stop staring at me swan.
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2,974
So let me ask this:

I guarantee you hardly any if any at all FED coaches in my area would know this intricate piece of the rule for an appeal. So, from a mechanics standpoint, let's say the team is executing the proper appeal and R1 who passed 2B, retreats back to 1B, and beats the throw back to 1B.

How do we call this from a mechanics standpoint? Do we simply call R1 out because even though he's retreating back to 1B to retouch and gets back before the throw, he can't do so because he's already advanced past 2b?
It's like Deja Vu all over again