Originally Posted by mbcrowder
We can't let this die, even though we agree on the main sticky point, huh?
I thought the FED rule said NEXT base ... meaning if he was between 2nd and 3rd when the ball goes out of play, he can return to first as long as he doesn't touch THIRD.
I couldn't resist.
This is another one of those kind of "tricky" rules things that is somewhat counterintuitive and a lot of people (including umpires) are confused about.
What you suggest is true for OBR rules, but is NOT true for FED rules.
Under OBR rules, the runner only loses his opportunity to correct his infraction if he touches a base beyond his position at the time the ball went out of play.
Under FED rules, if he is a "base beyond" his retouch or missed base at the time the ball goes out of play, he has lost the opportunity to correct his infraction. Unless the umpire judges that the fielder intentionally threw the ball out of play to prevent him from returning to correct his infraction. (No, I an not making this up.)
FED 8-2-6d1.