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Old Tue Aug 24, 2010, 02:54am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by billken View Post
Uni=One or Same

A baseball team wears the same uniform. The pitcher doesn't have a red shirt and the centerfielder a blue or white shirt.

Umpires are a team--the uniform should be uniform! It's unacceptable in my neck of the woods to not have the same color. If it's cold and someone want's a black jacket, the rest of the crew may choose not to wear a jacket, but their shirts will be black.

It is very rare to see umps not in the same color. I don't really care one way or the other, but just found it perplexing. It was obviously on I thought I'd ask and see if there was a logical explanation.
Are you saying that a PU should not wear a plate coat unless everyone on the crew wears a plate coat? Or if the PU wears the pull over and the base umpires wear a jacket that is not OK?

BTW, Major League Umpires have been doing this for years. It was not uncommon when all these colors were coming into fashion that the PU would wear "cream" for example and the rest of the crew would wear "black" or some other variation of the power blue or even "red" when that was in fashion? And I know of umpires that do the same thing in leagues or tournaments all over the place. Nothing new at all.

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