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Old Mon Aug 23, 2010, 08:18pm
Eastshire Eastshire is offline
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Originally Posted by UmpJM (nee CoachJM) View Post
You clearly don't know what you are talking about
Originally Posted by UmpJM (nee CoachJM) View Post
Are you blind? Anybody can see that they're there.
These are personal attacks.

Read the MLBUM cite I posted earlier. What it says is that:

1. In order for there to be a "play" as defined for Rule 7.05(g)...

2. Some fielder must have possession of the ball


3. Once he has possession of the ball, must perform some other act which the umpire judges to be a legitimate attempt (even if ultimately unsuccessful or aborted) to retire a runner.

Therefore, making a legal catch of an in-flight batted ball cannot be a "first play" in the context of 7.05(g) because it does not meet the defined requirements in the official interpretation.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
What you've demonstrated is that the rules don't cover it. The only coverage is in the MLBUM. Sure, sure it's official. I got it. The bottom line is you still don't have anything to point to in the rulebook when you're in front of the protest committee.

Do you have a cite for all catching is fielding? Preferably for Fed, but I'll take an OBR cite as well.


What on earth were you trying to convey with this statement?

In the second situation, the UIC said the award was 2nd (the two bases to be awarded being the return to first and then second). This is clearly wrong.

I don't understand at all the lack of willingness of the board in general to cite rules instead of just blasting the person who asks questions.