3) The instructions we were given regarding 6 man at the pre-tournament clinic for my regional was that the base umpires were not to go out...PERIOD. Trouble in the outfield would be handled by either the RFU or LFU. Trouble in CF? If the CF was moving to his left, RFU's call; to his right, LFU's call; dead center going back, RFU. Why? If it wasn't caught and there was a chance of a throw to 3rd, they wanted the LFU on his line to assist should there be an overthrow to 3rd.
The 2BU was told his job was to get his tail into the infield on any ball hit to the OF.
This explains why on every "trouble" ball hit to CF, U3 always had his head down and was busting inside. I told my wife that I wished the CCA manual had it diagrammed like that, so I could "hide" the #4 that I've never worked with!