Thread: Foul or Out?
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Old Mon Aug 23, 2010, 01:31pm
MigoP MigoP is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 34
The 1st rule defines where the batters feet need to be in the box on contact or she's out. 7.4. art.a. NFHS.
Rule 7.3 art 1.penalty NFHS. A batter can have 1 foot out of the box prior to delivery of pitch. She does so at the risk of having a strike called while being out of position. If the pitch is a strike when she has 1 foot out it shall be called a strike or ball accordingly. 7.3 art 1. effects 2. NFHS. She does not have to stay in box during or prior to pitch but must accept ball or srike call.
Rule 7.2 art 1 f. NFHS. A strike is called if a batted ball contacts the batter in the batters box.(foul ball).
Rule 8.6 art.11. NFHS. The runner is out when struck with a fair untouched batted ball while not in contact with a base and before it passes an infielder. Since the previous rule defines hit by batted ball in box as foul, the latter rule defines hit by batted ball out of box,(out). Theses are NFHS rules not OBR.
For you folks who need it in just softball rules I believe this should cover it. All NFHS rulings. I would like to hear some of you please cite me Softball rules NFHS that are contrary to these. They are very clear.
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