Bret. You answered your own question in your last post. Rule 7.4 Art.a. NFHS. defines what is considered out of the batters box. Your first question answered. The next 2 rules you want us to read 7-2-1f. 8-2-6 define what the penalty's are for being out of box. It doesn't matter if the batter or runner is hit with their own or someone elses batted ball. If it doesn't pass an infielder your out. If it's your own batted ball and you have 1 foot outside the box when contacted by fair batted ball, your out.
The OBR rules I cited 6.03. 6.06a. Say exactly what I said they say. Everyone with a book feel free to read for yourselves. Which kind of implies you didn't take the time to read them. There is no leap in logic, as both books say the same thing. The only leap in logic is not reading the rules as written. They both have rules defining out of the box, and both have rules defining being hit with a batted ball. The only question is if it's your own batted ball, were your feet still in box or has 1 foot left box. Both feet in box,hits you,foul. 1 foot completely out of box and it hits you, out.
You don't have to attend a clinic for this one as they have incorporated these rules in the book already. Read, read and re-read,the answers usually there.