Thread: Foul or Out?
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Old Sun Aug 22, 2010, 09:51pm
BretMan BretMan is offline
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Originally Posted by MigoP View Post
Take the time to read 7.4 Art.a. NFHS. If you do you no longer have to ask why softball doesn't define it clearly. It's their rule published. 1 foot out, hit the ball, you're out. As to being hit with a fair ball before passing a fielder, all books say the same, you're out. Now if she's still in box and gets hit,foul ball. Pretty simple if you read the NFHS rule
I don't need to "take the time to read 7-4-8" because I already know what it says. It is refering to a batter hitting the ball with a foot outside the batter's box. I know that a batter is out for doing that and that's not what I'm debating. That rule doesn't mention anything about the batted ball hitting the batter. And neither does the case play. Why would I want to waste my time reading a rule that has absolutely nothing to do with a batter-runner being hit by his own fair batted ball?

You're applying the requirements of that rule or case play to a completely different situation, covered by completely different rules. That requires a "leap in logic".

Then you tried to back up your "leap in logic" by saying that OBR also calls it the way you're stating. Maybe you should try reading their rule, because that isn't what it says at all. So, the example you offered as "proof" of your position actually disproves your point.

While you're digging through rule books, take a look at the two rules that really do apply to this play (in NFHS): 7-2-1(f) and 8-2-6. Can you tell us where in either of those rules there is a definition that explains when a batter or batter-runner is considered to be either in or out of the batter's box?
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