Thread: homer calls
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Old Sat Aug 21, 2010, 09:09am
ajmc ajmc is offline
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Originally Posted by JugglingReferee View Post
There have been studies at the NBA level showing that the home team benefits from calls - both fouls and violations.

I can see the argument that there are less holding calls when plays are towards that team's bench.
Don't know about the NBA, or the so-called validity of the "studies" you reference, but to suggest there is some sort of preference given to the "home team" in any sport requires that there be a deliberate attempt, on the part of game officials, to favor one team over another.

That would also suggest that there be some level of expectation, and associated pressure exerted by each "home team" to receive some level of preferential treatment, as well as an acceptance of such behavior by, whatever league or conference, was managing the contest.

Those, with actual officiating experience, understand that responding to game situations under game conditions is largely an instinctive reaction to what is observed based on repetitive training that to a large degree blanks out sounds and circumstances aside from the focus of attention. Other than mentally confirming what has been seen, or not seen, there is not a lot of analysis of which team, other than differentiating between offense and defense, is doing what.

Off the cuff comments by sideline observers, who have a distinct interest on decisions that are made during a contest, have the same level of validity as comments directed at a hammer, made by a carpenter who has just smashed his finger afixing a nail.
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