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Old Thu Aug 19, 2010, 12:41pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post

although I'd say that of the 16 umpires at the region, I'd probably walk onto a HS field with about 5-6 of them. And this was a Senior regional, where the quality of play was actually pretty good.
Rich IMO your aforementioned statement NAILS it.

Umpires are a team to but here is what happens. For the most part you are working with guys / gals that you have NEVER umpired with.

That's equivalent to a team showing up at Regionals with a bunch of players who have NEVER seen each other or played with each other. There chances of succeeding would be greatly reduced.

When you umpire a HS Sectional game or Regional game chances are you are working with someone whom you are fiamiliar with. IMO, a BIG difference

Also, let's face it, no matter how experienced you are a call will be missed. It's a fact of life BUT now for a kids game we have Replay and Replay was NOT supposed to be used at Regionals Plain and Simple BUT it was. It's called BristolGate.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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