The whole issue is not whether or not the batter was HBP. The umpires didn't call that, and the video doesn't show very good evidence either. What has gotten everyone stirred up is the fact that the call was overruled by someone outside the fence. LL did implement a replay system for the World Series in Williamsport only. As you can hear in part 2 the DAC makes that statement. The other $h!+storm is the original statement by LL that the umpire asked them for help. As you can see in the video, the PU has the batter in the box and is ready to play ball when you hear him tell the batter to back out. Then he turns around and then goes to the screen. It was originally spun that PU went to the screen on his own and asked for help. As you can see in mbcrowder's posts, the truth is finally beginning to come out.