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Old Wed Aug 18, 2010, 02:58pm
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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Posts: 937
The pitch was down in the dirt.
His "move" was he started to lower his stance to go down to get the pitch...his initial instinct was to hit the ball.
This sitch was not an example of a batter not making a reasonable effort to aviod a HBP.
As bad as a cluster flub this sitch was 4 umps, 2 of them what...75 ft. away and they can't see an HBP, and then the ensuing "oh let's go to the video replay" by the meddling, all knowing, lets inject ourselves into the umpiring of the game, LLBB Eastern Region administrative and UIC staff, all you have is a missed call. Going with the other call you have a bad application of a rule.

Last edited by KJUmp; Wed Aug 18, 2010 at 03:13pm.
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