Originally Posted by KJUmp
Not even close.
1) The pitch was in the batter's box, where it dosen't belong. Bater's box belongs to the batter,
2) Watch the video again (Part 1), as the pitch comes in the batter starts to lower his stance (watch his knees) as he can see it's going to be a low pitch
and that if he's going to swing at it he's going to have to "go down and get it."
I disagree. Being in the batters box does not eliminate the requirement for a batter to make a reasonable attempt to get out of the way of the pitch as I understand the rule. I'm not claiming that I would have made that ruling, but I do think a legitimate case could be made for making such a call. I will always give the batter the benefit of the doubt if they turn, lean, etc. but I don't feel that this batter necessarily did any of these actions.