Hey KWH,
Thank you for clarifying the modified Maryland rule book for us heathen officials.
Heck, we don't work 7 man, but I can see the benefit of the R being in charge of watching the ball instead of the kicker. Then, he won't have to make the tough calls involving judgement and can just decide on fouls based on the result of the play and his acute game sense.
In fact, let's petition the league to do away with ALL JUDGEMENT CALLS! (I bet I know who would be the first to sign the petition). That's what causes most of the controversy in the NFL, and even our boy Derock (the Dalai Lama of Officials, "DLO") maintains that we get most of the judgement calls wrong because we are too ignorant to apply any game sense (you know, we're so rule bound).
Better yet, let's toss the whole damn rule book out.
Hey, I think he's converted me!! I see the light!! Football anarchy!! Let the players and coaches do what they want, no fouls, no flags, no score, everyone leaves happy.
I would like to chat more, but I need to go burn my rule book, reset my watch for 45 minute youth games, and to point east and worship at the altar of the exalted Dalai Lama of Officials!!!! Hail to the enlightened conciusness of the DLO!