First, to the general topic, I am hearing more and more from more highly credible sources that this is actually happening; not a band camp moment (which was pretty funny, I liked that analogy). To your points, Mike
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Just where do you think umpires for these games came from before the NCAA got involved in softball officiating?
In many cases, if not most, the schools would contract local associations, many of which were ASA. Not that long ago, the NCAA softball rules were nothing more than an addendum to the ASA rule book.
I agree with that fact, Mike, however in the past ten years, as the SUIP has developed, the two groups, specifically in regards to mechanics, have been diverging. I'm not claiming either one is any better than the other at training umpires only that the SUIP has had the luxury of focusing on advancing or advanced umpires. Also, the purpose of the SUIP was to create a more consistent application of the rules and mechanics because the NCAA wasn't getting that consistency from the, often ASA, local/regional umpire groups. Again, I refer to your comment on Billy P. and the lack of that level of training yet established by ASA at a National level.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
So, this really isn't something new. ASA registration does include the insurance coverage and I don't see an issue with making a deal with the carrier, Bollinger, Markel or whoever, in including NCAA games as part of the coverage. This would also allow the umpire to register once for both. For that matter (God help me for thinking this out loud), this may be the predecessor to ASA taking insurance "in house".
I can only see a positive for the umpires as it comes to the administrative side of the issue. Obviously, a lot of legalese will be bantered about between the two.
How it turns out on the training side, I'd rather not even guess on that point.
Again, I agree with your assertion regarding the 'grass roots' umpires and the adminstration thereof . For me, though, it isn't the training that is the big question, it is the upper level management of the process. Of course, I am speaking from my micorocosm here in the Northeast and only have a distant and not very focused view of the detailed inner workings and activities at the National level so I may be misguided in my perception. The fact is, I like alot of what the SUIP has done and how it was conducted better than how ASA has operated. I, personally, would hate to see those aspects lost in the process.
I've been an ASA member since my dad got me started 25 years ago. I greatly appreciate what they have to offer umpires in the form of training, assignments, and levels to which one can aspire. I just think there should be another level of training available and that the Elite umpire program could/should be a part of that process. Maybe this is an opportunity for ASA to adopt something (advanced umpire training) that is fairly well developed and use it to their advantage.