Originally Posted by Sven K
For the ball to curve around the bag it would need to have tremendous clockwise spin (looking down at the diamond). Foul balls hit in this manner are spinning counter-clockwise (hooking). You would need some highly unusual hand action or have it be cued off the end of the bat to get clockwise spin on a ball pulled down the line such as this by a right-hand hitter. This is further reinforced by the fact that the ball bounced from fair territory into foul and rolled further foul as it made its way toward the left field corner.
I think Davidson called it as he anticipated it would go and didn't have time to stop his call in midstream when it took the funny bounce.
My only point is that baseballs do not travel in completely straight lines, even if they never hit the ground. I am saying if we think about it we have all seen baseballs take funny bounces and this is no exception. And there is no evidence that says it did or did not cross the bag other than where the ball bounced. But that is not what you decide to make the call. Did the ball cross the front part of the bag, that is all that matters.