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Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 12:25am
KWH KWH is offline
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NFL A.R. (Approved Ruling) 12.15

2001 NFL Playing Rules
NFL Rule 12, Section 2, Article 6, Page 81
A.R.(Approved Ruling) 12.15
Fourth-and-12 on B30. On a field goal attempt which is not good, reciever B1 runs into the kicker without touching the ball.
RULING: A's ball fourth-and-7 on B25. Running into the kicker. If the field goal had been good, no penalty would be enforced on the succeeding kickof, since it was not a personal foul.

AB has provided the NFL rule,
I have provided the NFL approved ruling,
Blum made the call based on the NFL rule, NFL approved ruling, 18 years of NFL experiance, Game Sense, Common Sense, not to mention the fact that the reciever, (who had not touched the kick), contacted the kicker while the kicker had not completed his act of kicking the ball.

I am sure a lot of things went through Blums mind just before he threw the flag.
I am postive however that he did not ask himself "I wonder what DeRock would do in this situation?" If he had he would have had thoughts like;
1) "Nedney's "act" was dishonest and misleading."
2) Is this foul "blatantly obvious in EVERYONE's eyes and NOT just "my judgement".
3) "Nedney put on an act of spinning and falling intentionally to draw the flag."
4) "Running into the kicker would be a direct line into the kicker--NOT what we saw."
5) I wonder what the NFHS rules say to do in this situation?

No DeRock, I'm fairly comfortable that none of your "brainfarts" passed threw Blums mind prior him throwing the flag.
On the contrary, I believe Blum watched the all the action around the kicker, saw the contact, and threw the correct flag.
Good, and correct, call!

I am also conviced that once again you have made a fool of yourself!

Two questions for you DeRock"
1) What does the "1986" in DeRock1986 stand for? The year you were born?
2) How many field goals do you see each year in your 45 minute "PEE WEE", "BANTOM", and "HERD BALL" games?
"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
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