Thread: Ejection ...
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Old Mon Aug 02, 2010, 04:58pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
Not in his original post though. There is NO mention of "he has five" in that one. Au contraire, he flatly stated that that "there is no reason to inform the coach that it's the fifth.".

You can't have it both ways. If he admits that he "misspoke", you can't blame that on people who believed what he wrote originally.
Sorry, you've got the order of events wrong, it seems. He misspoke in post #47, he said to say "he has five" in post #43. I'd quote them for you, but that would border on snarky.

I put the initial confusion on tref, but let me put it this way:

We often give the benefit of the doubt to long time posters when they (meaning I) misspeak on something, based on what we know about their knowledge and history of posting. Why, then, when someone repeatedly clarifies (albeit with some serious snark) his meaning, do we zero in on one little tidbit that is, when taken in the context of the entire thread, an obvious misstatement?

Then again, if I'm wrong, it wouln't be the first crappy call I made this summer.
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