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Old Mon Aug 02, 2010, 01:33pm
IowaMike IowaMike is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Iowa
Posts: 185
In my opinion, Little League has lost its way and has become a corporate profit seeking entity that serves its slavemaster known as ESPN. Let me say that I have had four sons go through Little League baseball, coached it for five years and served three years on my leagues board of directors. The evolution that has taken place since my first son started playing 18 years ago is troubling to me.

Too much focus is placed on All Stars and the World Series, 12 kids from each league. The focus should be on all of the kids and developing their playing skills, learning sportsmanship and cooperation, and enjoying being part of a team. Two of my sons played on All Star teams and one of them won a state championship; I still tried to get my league to give up all stars and have a slightly longer season so all of the kids could play more games. I was shouted down every time I brought it up.

The seasons eventually had to start and end earlier to accomodate ESPN's schedule for the World Series. They relaxed the age requirements so that essentially 13 year olds can now play little league. Hey, more big kids hitting big homeruns and throwing 75 mph which is what viewers want. I have always found it a bit hypocritical that Little League is supposed to be all volunteer and umpires are supposed to work for free, but it signed an 8 year, $30.1 million contract with ESPN. But it's all about the kids right?

Instant replay is just another step down the slippery slope of making little league more like professional baseball, which isn't what it is supposed to be. Dollars determine the course of little league, not the needs of the kids. The blame lies primarily at the national level; local leagues have little to no say about the direction little league takes. Little league used to be very strong in my area, but has lost a lot of kids over the past several years. One of our local leagues switched over to Cal Ripken affiliation this season. I think little league will eventually reach too far and destroy itself.
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