Thread: Ejection ...
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Old Sat Jul 31, 2010, 10:31am
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
Tref said that you don't have to tell the coach that his player fouled out. His statement was "there is no reason to tell the coach".. The rules say otherwise.
I went back and re-read the first half of the thread, including tref's statement you're quoting. Frankly, I think he simply misspoke on that statement, as EVERYTHING ELSE he wrote on the topic indicates he was talking to the coach when he asked the question followed by the "he has 5" statement.

Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
Howinthehell can you be right when tref stated very emphatically that there is no reason to let the coach know that his player just committed his fifth foul? Why would he direct it the head coach if he felt that their was no reason for the head coach to know that? Those were his exact words; i've cited 'em verbatim enough so far in this thread. He also said that he asked the question AT the table. Coachs aren't allowed to be at the table, by rule. Howinthehell can you direct a question to someone who by rule isn't supposed to be anywhere near you?


Unfortunately, the rules state the we have to inform the coach when one of his players fouls out. That's NFHS rule 2-8-4. There is nowayinhell that asking anyone anything at the scorers table changes that responsibility.
How close do you teach your officials to get to the coach when they inform him it's 5? I'm curious, because quite a few times I've done it from a distance similar to the distance between the reporting area and the coaching box.
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