Thread: Ejection ...
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Old Fri Jul 30, 2010, 10:15pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
For the umpteeth freaking time, Juggs......see above.

He's AT the table, nowhere near the coach. He's asking the question TO the table. The rules say that we HAVE to let the coach know that his player just committed their fifth foul. At no time did tref go down and do that. I have no idea howintheheck either how anyone can assume that the coach even heard the question when the coach isn't supposed to be anywhere near the table, by rule.
Blow things out of proportion much?

I had trouble searching through all of the replies, which is why I tasked you to find the quote tref said. I know you spend a lot of time on here, so you may as well spend more, rather than me.

I did read somewhere that said voicing "Is so-and-so a sub for #x, who has 5" and thought it was tref. If it wasn't, I apologize.

I know that you know that I follow mechanics properly. As for my local rules interp, you're just trying to paint me with a colour that you know damn well isn't true, so you should just stop that sort of behavior.
Pope Francis

Last edited by JugglingReferee; Fri Jul 30, 2010 at 10:17pm.
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