Thread: Ejection ...
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Old Fri Jul 30, 2010, 02:21pm
icallfouls icallfouls is offline
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Originally Posted by tref View Post
Concur! In addition to prescribed mechanics & rules, common sense!

Let me go s l o w so nobody gets confused or misconstrue what I'm saying

1. I report the foul to the table

2. They inform me that its the 5th.

2a. I follow the prescribed mechanic and tell my partner that #11 has committed thier 5th foul.
2b. My partner informs coach of the 5th foul.

3. Im AT the table & see a sub there... no reason to let the coach know its the 5th. Thats why the sub is there!! Asking if the sub is for the player w/ 5 makes more sense to me.

4. It eliminates the coach saying:
"I already KNOW & there is a SUB at the table" which really means "Thats why theres a guy at the table, you idiot! And since you're an idiot let me tell you about that foul on THEM before you decided to blow your whistle."

Which was my point about asking a coach "full or 30" late in the game when they havent had a 30 since before halftime. Ever hear the smartass comments they make in those situations, especially if theyre losing??

It only took me 1 time to learn to pay attention to all the details of the game within the game & utilize the table crew to assist. I asked a coach that a few years back & he flipped on me, "We used (2) 30s in the 1st frickin Q, what game are you working?"
Now my table informs the crew when a team is out of a particular t/o.

Personally, I like to reflect on situations where I get pushback & think about:
1. What caused it?
Ans. Not using the NFHS mechanic.

2. How I could've handled it better?
Ans. Use the NFHS mechanic

3. What will I do different next time it happens?
Ans. Use the NFHS mechanic

But as you said sometimes sh!t is just gonna happen.
Follow the mechanics
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