Here's the situation: I officiated a Men's Junior College game last night. A player from Team A dunked the ball with about 1:30 to go in warmups. I informed my partner of the "T" and we went over to meet the coaches. At that time, I informed the table and the coaches of the technical. Fine so far. As I am instructing the scorekeeper about how to proceed, the coach has a question about the situation. Now, there's about 15 seconds left before the horn is supposed sounds to end the warmup. As I am speaking to the coach, my partner grabs the ball, gets a player from Team B and has him shoot the "T." The coach then gets upset because we shot the "T" before the time ran out for warmups. Personally, I didn't think it mattered and explained that to the coach. We then proceeded to start the game from point of interruption (the jump ball). After this, things went fine.
My partner and I agreed that if that happened to us in the future we would just take our time and wait until the clock runs down. However, my question is this: Does it say anywhere in the rules that you have to wait until the clock reaches 0:00 before shooting the technical?
Thanks for any comments or rulebook citations.