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Old Wed Jan 15, 2003, 04:36pm
Derock1986 Derock1986 is offline
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Originally posted by ABoselli
Go read the NFL book, Derock. It's quite specific regarding what constitutes running into the kicker. It was absolutely by the book. It's under Conduct of Players. I don't have it with me at home, but the supplements (there are 4) further clarify what is and what is not running into / roughing the kicker.

Here it is -

Rule 12 – Article 6

No defensive player may run into or rough a kicker who kicks from behind his line unless such contact:

a) Is incidental to and after he has touched the kick in flight
b) Is caused by the kicker’s own motions
c) Occurs during a quick kick
d) Occurs during a kick or after a run behind the line
e) Occurs after the kicker recovers a loose ball on the ground or
f) Is caused because a defender is blocked into the kicker

Supplemental Notes –

1) Avoiding the kicker is the primary responsibility of the defensive players if they do not touch the kick
2) Any contact with the kicker by a single defensive player who has not touched the kick is running into the kicker
3) Any unnecessary roughness committed by the defensive players is roughing the kicker. Severity of contact and potential for injury are to be considered
4) When two defensive players are making a bona fide attempt to block a kick from scrimmage (punt, drop kick, and/or place kick) and one of them runs into the kicker after the kick has left the kicker’s foot at the same instant the second player blocks the kick, the foul for running into the kicker shall not be enforced, unless in the judgment of the referee, the player running into the kicker was clearly the direct cause of the kick being blocked.
5) If in the judgment of the referee any of the above action is innecessary roughness, the penalty for roughing the kickershall be enforced from the previous spot as a foul during the kick.

Nothing in there about 'unless its the playoffs and its a really big play and the kicker missed and somebody might get really mad and its in OT...'

[Edited by ABoselli on Jan 15th, 2003 at 09:26 AM]
Aboselli, game sense or feel for the game. Does these terms mean "anything" in officiating football?
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