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Old Mon Jul 26, 2010, 11:43pm
bas2456 bas2456 is offline
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OT--I didn't like this

This is a Men's League Softball story, but I think no matter what sport we officiate, we can relate.

I play in a Men's 12-inch softball league, and in our game tonight, the umpire did something I never want to see again.

There was a play at first where the first baseman may or may not have had his foot on the base when the throw came from shortstop. Our runner was called out. Apparently someone said something to the umpire from the dugout, because he walked into our dugout, sat down on our bench, and yelled "Play ball guys, apparently there's a better view from in here!"

Now it's not a really competitive league, we're out there to have fun. He was really good all night long, hustled quite a bit, was generally the best ump we've had all season.

That action, though, irked me the rest of the game. I know it's just a fun league, but there is no reason, at any level of sports, do I think an official should show up one of the teams like that. A simple "That's enough guys" would have done fine, in my opinion.

As much as we want to say clever, funny things sometimes, there's a level of professionalism that I think any official should uphold. There's a way to be friendly and approachable without showing up the players.
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