Originally posted by Jerry Baldwin
Since NFHS does not have a signal for a full time-out, I was wondering how you signal to the scores table or the coach who did not call the time-out? I have adopted the signal used for a double foul, but I start with the closed fists at my chest and then extend my arms horizontally. I know this is not an official signal, but since I started using the signal, I have not had to tell the table or the coach what kind of time-out we have. I know the coaches are suppose to know that if it is not a 30 second TO then it must be a full TO. The only problem is that in high school and under, the coaches don't seem to be watching for the TO signal. They either don't pick up on the 30 second signal or maybe we are giving it too fast. Any ideas?
Signal for NCAA:
Women only full time out:
Place fingertips and thumbs of both hands together in front of chest and spread hands out to shoulder width.
I don't think Men's has a signal, but they may.