Originally Posted by Berkut
I dunno. And no, at the time is seemed unusual, but they move kids around all the time from position to position, so it didn't seem all that odd. But really, how is *my* finding anything wrong or not relevant? I am just a parent, I have no idea what the sub rules are (or didn't at the time).
But any coach who is responsible for teaching the rules should be aware of this quite simple rule. If the coach doesn't know this, what else doesn't he know? A coach won't know ALL the rules... but he should know the routine ones. And you wonder why we say LL has inferior coaches?
Originally Posted by Berkut
I think the mistake the coach made was pretty minor, and did not warrant a game being forfeit. No more or less. I do think if that is the rule, the umpires should know about it, and further, I think that even given that it is a rule, it is a pretty petty thing to go get a forfeit over.
Fortunately ... (or unfortunately for your team) it's not up to you. You think it ... so what. This is NOT a minor mistake. You don't think there's a significant advantage in letting a kid rest that long between innings pitched? You're nuts. You don't think there's a significant chance at long-term damage from having a kid pitch hard, then not pitch, then pitch again, then not, then again? Again, you're nuts. there are reasons for these rules... and reasons the penalty is what it is. This is not "petty" at all.
Originally Posted by Berkut
Here is what I do think:
1. The error was minor, and had no effect on the outcomes of the game.
2. Given that, it seemed to me that the penalty, foreiture, was excessive.
3. Now, finding out that the process that should have been followed was clearly NOT followed, it bothers me even more that they are going to be extremely anal about enforcing one rule, while at the same time they ignore a bunch of other rules about the process of appeal/protest.
1. Way wrong, on both counts. 2) First off, the penalty is KNOWN, and not subject to your opinion... second, it's entirely appropriate.
3) You have a point there, and I recommend you pursue it.