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Old Wed Jan 15, 2003, 01:18pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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To sneallyk . . .

"To the guys who don't use a counter, shame on you! It's a tool for umpires that is supposed to hold them accountable for the bucks you are earning. Where would a basketball referee be if he didn't use a whistle because it was too difficult too use. Learn to use the tools of your trade."

"Come on guys, a little civility is needed here."

I missed these two posts earlier:

You say we want "civility" yet your opening statements take us to task.

I tried to be honest and nice to you in my original post.

Here are my points . . .

There are a huge number of people who umpire that do things "differently" than you (or me) and they do fine.

You have tried to put us in our place by telling us that we are wrong . . .

When I said that you were probably "a letter of the rules" guy I was just trying to place "why" you made such a rude statement as you did.

Sneak . . . I do not umpire for "fun" . . . I have never considered umpiring as fun and never would.

It is a serious business for serious people.

Of course this is just my opinion.
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