Originally Posted by MrUmpire
Oh, you misunderstand me. I recognize your authority as an expert on teaching pitching techniques with runners on base and base running in two days. I'm forwarding your name to several college and MiLB teams so they can just spend two days on that in training camp.
And you somehow think it's a totally different ball game.
So - just what is it about baserunning that's different - except the actual lead-off? Don't be shy - teach me somethng so I'll shut up.
Does how to throw a pitch change with a baserunner? When may change, but not how. But as coaches call the pitches anyhow there's nothing to teach the pitcher/catcher yet.
Did you know most of the throw-overs are called friom the bench - even in MLB?
Is "set" somehow totally different than wind-up? Do you go to a different balance point? Do you throw with the other hand? Keep up with the lessons - I'd appreciate it if someone as wise as you could improve mu knowledge base.