Thanks for some of these answers....
(1) F3 has possession of the ball in the right hand with the palm of the hand facing down and the ball is on the ground - legal possession? IMHO - No
Now the question comes down to is there a time consideration for when the 1st baseman picked up the ball? It would appear as if the B/R would be ruled out if the 1st baseman can then 'show/prove' that she had possession of the ball by picking it up....even if it was AFTER the B/R had passed 1st base. Agreed?
(2) F3 has the ball lodged in the forearm against the body - legal possession? IMHO - No
This one I believe was possession/control with hand/glove - so B/R is SAFE !
(3) F3 has the ball against the body with the glove pressing up against the body with the ball - legal possession? IMHO - Yes
As Dakota mentioned this could really be (3.a) and (3.b) - 3.a: ball is against body and the open glove is over the ball against the body - this would appear to be an 'OUT'.....3.b: ball is outside of glove and between glove and body - this would appear to be 'SAFE' due to no possession/control
(4) F3 has possession of the ball in the glove hand with the glove facing down and the ball is on the ground - legal possession? IMHO - No
Same as # 1 above, if the 1st baseman can cleanly show possession of the ball (even if its AFTER the B/R crosses 1st base) then the B/R is OUT?
Comments are welcome.......