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Old Tue Jul 13, 2010, 03:17am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by yawetag View Post
Or, the flip side:

You accepted two games at 10am and noon, knowing you had something else to do in the afternoon. The assignor calls you the evening before and advises you that "your" games were moved to 2pm and 4pm because of rain-outs. You advise the assignor that you can't do that, so you're out of two games.
I know assignors that would expectyou to slide the two hours and would be angry if you told them no. When I assigned, I told teams that even a 30 minute change in the game time could cost them having umpires and I always told umpires they were under no obligation to accept such a switch.

I've filled games with other crews in the OP's situation. Mainly when I wasn't able to reach the original umpires right away or when knew that filling the later games would be much harder than simply finding a new crew to work the rescheduled games. In the real world, I'm not assigning people to 4 games a day unless I have to. That said, I worked 7 games a few Saturdays ago and it was quite the experience.
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