Perhaps you should try decaf or breakfast cereal lower in sugar.
I have nothing but the UTMOST respect for our assignor and our interprter. It is no more a blatant ignoring of rules, IMHO, then waiting until 7 or 8 seconds talking to someone and then calling "3 seconds" As far as being a "Cop" imagine if all State Troopers pulled everyone over who was exceeding the speed limit by 1 mph. As I think I have stated, if it is obvious to EVERYONE then I gotta grant the TO, IF I can delay the call a little bit to either let the time expire (in my game it was 4 sec.) OR for a coach to scream WE DON'T HAVE ANY, then I am going to give them that leway. IF I don't know 100% what the time - out situation is then I am going to grant it immediately. So YES, in this scenario there ARE situations that need to be looked at.
To Be Successful, One Must First Define What Success is.